St. Theresa Catholic School is accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference. As part of that accreditation, our curriculum is designed based on the beliefs and missions of the Church, as well as meeting and/or exceeding the standards placed by The Florida Catholic Conference Accreditation Committee (FCCAC).
As a Catholic school, we find true justification in the mission of the Church, as it is based on an educational philosophy in which faith, culture and life are brought into harmony. Our school provides our students with the fullest and best opportunities to realize the fourfold purpose of Catholic education: message, community, worship and service. The full development of each student is facilitated by a comprehensive educational program that includes a balance of appropriate and authentic school and real life experiences; recognition of individual talents and differences; the acquisition of essential skills, concepts, and knowledge; and the developmental assessment of each student’s progress.
The following content areas are developed at St. Theresa Catholic School: English, Reading and Literature, Handwriting, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Music, Technology, Art, and Physical Education. We also offer several after school sports and extracurricular activities.
Our curriculum is based on Diocesan-approved standards and learning objectives which exceed both state and national performance norms. We use the Florida Standards as a baseline to reach our rigorous teaching and learning goals.
- National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools Florida Standards
- 2016 ISTE Standards for Technology
In order to deliver our excellent curriculum, our teachers participate in a continuous Professional Development program that has a direct link to increased student achievement. Professional Development allows our teachers to prepare their students to succeed in a quickly changing world.