Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Cork & Fork St. Theresa Food and Wine Fest – A Centennial Culinary Celebration!
Cork & Fork is an exposition event for food and beverage vendors to showcase a mix of local and international cuisines paired with wines and beverages from all around the globe – for a good cause. Proceeds will benefit the Church of the Little Flower and St. Theresa School Centennial Campaign, which will fund the building of a new multipurpose center in the school and much needed refurbishments to our beautiful church.
When is the Cork & Fork Event?
Friday, February 28, 2025 from 7:00-11:00 PM
How can I participate?
By submitting the Vendor Application Form, you are in! Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no cost to participate as a restaurant or beverage vendor but you are expected to donate/serve 600 samples/small bites.
What do I need to provide?
- Food/beverage samples for 600 guests from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
- Plastic utensils, plates, and other necessary items to serve your dish.
- The sample should be a representation of one of your most famous/popular appetizers, entrees, drinks etc.
- Please bring your promotional materials and/or signs. We want you to highlight your business and for guests to visit your restaurant or consume your product(s) after the event!
Where will I be placed?
You will have use of one 6-foot table in our courtyard. Black tablecloths will also be provided. If you require more than one table, pre-approval will be necessary.
Please arrive to set up your display no later than 5:00 PM. You may begin breakdown at 11:00 PM.
By participating in the Cork & Fork Event, St. Theresa Catholic School requests:
- Permission to use your logo on Cork & Fork Promotional materials.
- Cross promotion of participation in Cork & Fork on social media channels.
- Picture of dish/beverage being sampled, restaurant, chef, bar, or other symbol of restaurant or beverage vendor for dedicated social media post promoting your participation in the Cork & Fork 2025 event.
- Consideration of offering guests discount or incentive if they visit your restaurant or consume your product “after the event”
By participating in the Cork & Fork Event, your business will:
- Have logo displayed on all promotional marketing tools- both print and digital
- Be mentioned by name in all pre and post press releases, and will be hyperlinked on the ticket sale website.
- Social media engagement promoting your participation in the Event.
By submitting the Vendor Application Form, you agree to the following:
- YES, I will participate in the 2025 Cork & Fork, St. Theresa Food & Wine Fest on Friday, February 28, 2025 from 7:00 to 11:00 PM. I understand that I am required to provide gourmet samples for 600 guests and am responsible for providing utensils, plates, napkins, and all items necessary for my dish, drink, display and/or serving.
- YES, you may use my logo! I will email it ASAP (send to
- YES, my company has insurance liability coverage and all relevant business, professional or restaurant licenses. We agree to notify guests about allergens, gluten content, raw or undercooked seafood/shellfish or alcohol contents in any food, beverage, or snack.
- The Vendor agrees to abide by the following General Restrictions:
- Rights Reserved. St. Theresa Catholic School reserves the right without recourse to prohibit any exhibit or part of any exhibit which, in their opinion, is not suitable or in keeping with the character of Cork & Fork event. This reservation regards persons, things, conduct, printed material, catalogs, etc. Aisle space may not be used for exhibit purposes or for displaying signs.
- Apportioning. No Vendor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any portion of space allotted, nor exhibit therein, any products and/or services other than those produced or distributed by the Vendor in the regular course of business.
- Soliciting.Vendorsorrepresentativesofvendorswhohavenotbeenassigned vendor space are prohibited from soliciting business in any form in the exhibition area. Violators will be asked to leave the exhibition area.
- Public Area. The use of any public area outside of the vendor area for the display of products and/or services, for demonstrations, or the distribution or circulars, samples or other material is prohibited.
- Audio. No audio that interferes with adjoining exhibitors will be permitted in the exhibit area.
- Damage to Venue. Any damage to property by the Vendors or their employees or agents must be paid for by the Vendor causing such damage.
- Banners/Signs. Banners/Signs may not be placed anywhere outside of your table space and shall not obstruct the view of any other space. You will be asked to adjust/move these obstructive signs from the vendor area. Table stands and tents are permissible but will need be reviewed and pre-approved during walk through pre-event.
- Fire Regulations. No explosives, fuel, combustibles of hazardous materials, decorative materials either fireproof or flameproof, or any materials or substances deemed hazardous under applicable fire regulations may be brought onto the property.
- Electrical Compliance. All electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic equipment must meet the requirements of all applicable electrical and safety codes
- Display & Construction Regulations. No vendor space shall be allowed to obstruct clear vision to other exhibitors.
- Hours. 2025 hours are from 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM. Your table must be staffed and remain open throughout the event until 11:00 PM. Please DO NOT begin dismantling your exhibit until 11:00 PM. Participants who begin dismantling their exhibit prior to 11:00 PM will not be permitted to exhibit at Cork and Fork 2026.
- St. Theresa Catholic School will not be held liable for any injuries or damages incurred during the Cork & Fork 2025 event.