
Student Health Questionnaire

Student Health Questionnaire is required for all On-Campus students each school day. Please submit the questionnaire for your student(s) every morning, whether they are present or absent to school on the Concierge survey.

  • If your on campus child does not have any symptoms and is cleared on the app, they may come to school.
  • If your on campus child has any symptom and was NOT cleared on the app, you are to keep your child at home.

Notify our school Registered Nurse, Lourdes Berre immediately at She will also review the Concierge Pad surveys and will contact you with further instructions.

Exposure, Testing, Reporting, and Returning to School

Below are our student health protocols for students who are exposed to COVID-19, have symptoms and/or are diagnosed with COVID-19. The primary line of defense in limiting exposure to and slowing the spread of COVID-19 is the daily at-home Student Health Screening Questionnaire.

Please notify the school nurse/principal/assistant principal immediately if your child or anyone in your household has been in close contact with or exposed to an individual with COVID-19. Based on the circumstance(s) of exposure (see below), your child may be asked to stay home from school for a designated period of time, during which he/she can attend class remotely.

What counts as close contact or exposure?

  • Your child or someone in your household was within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes within 2 days BEFORE they developed symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Your child or someone in your household provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19.
  • Your child or someone in your household had direct physical contact with the person (touched, hugged, or kissed them).
  • Your child or someone in your household shared eating or drinking utensils with someone who is sick with COVID-19.
  • Someone sick with COVID-19 sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on your child or someone in your household.

If any student or a household contact falls into one of these exposure categories, he/she must stay home and the Nurse/Principal/Assistant Principal must be immediately notified. Please inform your child’s health care provider, and it is recommended to have him/her tested immediately, and closely monitor his/her health. Your child’s pediatrician and/or the school will recommend keeping him/her home from school for a certain number of days based on CDC recommendations.

Post-Infection Return to Campus

Students may return to campus after quarantining at home depending on the nature of exposure, test results, and whether or not he/she had symptoms.

  • Post-infection testing results are no longer required to return to school.
  • A return-to-school note must be provided when the student has been medically cleared by his/her pediatrician. Students will not be allowed to return to campus after a COVID-19 infection without medical clearance.
  • Only nasal swab testing is considered adequate. Blood tests for antibodies to COVID-19 will not be accepted.